Infrastructure projects are hugely important to ensure that the population are efficiently commuting and travelling on a day to day basis.
Transport hubs that were traditionally designed to be totally functional are now being developed to become important areas for travellers to utilise before, during and after their selected journey.
Train, underground and bus stations are all part of large networks that are in constant use and are in the process of further development and change. The rise in the use of public transportation has meant that these types of buildings have become more important, representing some of the most creative and contemporary architecture in the world.
Security and service integration are important specification criteria and the use of metal ceilings means that designs can be flexible but also totally usable on a day to day basis. Being one of the most durable construction materials metal cannot be easily damaged, even if a metal ceiling is utilised for regular access to the building services.
Integration of important lighting, public address, communication and fire prevention products can be carried out in a controlled factory environment meaning they are delivered to site ready for installation, saving time and money. Many ceilings for the transportation sector tend to be vaulted or tubular to allow for areas to feel spacious while ensuring smoke extraction can take place.